Ways to Keep Your House Warm Without a Heater
Households around the country use furnaces to keep their homes warm in winter. However, a furnace consumes a lot of gas or electricity. Fortunately, you do not need a furnace to cozy up your home.
Whether you want to save on heating costs or do not have a heater, here are some low-cost ways to keep your home warm this winter. If you have questions, reach out to a Rocklin central heating expert.
Close all of Your Windows Properly
To reduce heat loss through windows, make sure they are latched. Only open them during the day when the outside temperature is higher than the temperature indoors. Repair or replace damaged windows. Caulk old, drafty windows to seal them. At the very least, cover any noticeable leaks with a towel or a piece of cloth.
Use Curtains to Block the Wind
In addition to enhancing your home’s aesthetic appeal and enhancing privacy, curtains can keep the cold air from entering your home. Use heavy curtains to block heavy drafts of air.
Open your curtains during the day to bring more natural light into your home. Keeping your curtains closed during the night will help prevent heat loss.
Seal Your Doors and Windows
In the average household, around 25% of heat loss occurs through leaky doors and windows. Check for air leaks around the frames of your doors and under them. To prevent heat loss, seal drafty doors and windows using weather-stripping or a door sweep.
Cook Indoors
Cooking indoors is a great way to keep your house warm. When you can bake cookies or a pie, your oven can help dry the air in your kitchen, heating the room. After you have cooked your favorite meal, leave the door open to let some heat into different rooms.
Avoid cooking foods that give off too much steam when cooked or humidity levels can increase. Humid air feels cooler in winter than dry air and you can end up with a high energy bill as more energy is required to heat damp air.
Install a Rug or Carpet
There are several benefits of carpet. A carpet will insulate your floor, preventing heat loss through it. Carpets are affordable, add a cozy and sophisticated feel, absorb noise, and can help prevent slips, trips and falls.
Since carpets are warmer to the touch than many other popular flooring options such as wood and stone, they offer a warmer surface to walk on.
When buying a rug or carpet consider the following:
- Depth: Usually the thicker the rug, the more warmth and comfort it adds to the installation area
- Stitch count: A carpet with a high stitch count provides more insulation than that with a low stitch count
- Size: The bigger a rug, the more warmth it will add underfoot
- Fiber: Look for woolen carpets and rugs, as wool is an excellent insulator.
Close Any Unused Rooms
When you close unused rooms, their doors act as a barrier between your interiors and the outdoors, keeping cold air from entering your home. Closed rooms also prevent air from circulating as much, reducing heat loss.
Keep Furnace Registers Closed in Unused Rooms
Use magnetic register covers to shut off registers in unused rooms to ensure when you start your heating system, only the registers in the occupied rooms pump out heat. Be sure to unblock cold air returns in heated rooms.
Soak Your Home in Sunlight
Check for obstructions such as plants, trees and sheds that can prevent sun’s rays from entering your home. Remove any items leaning against your walls on the sunny side of your home. Remember to put them back at night for additional insulation.
Add Insulation
Make sure your walls and windows are insulated. If you have an old home, you might need to add some insulation. Since heat rises, it is important to insulate your ceilings. A lot of heat escapes through the attic. If you have an attic, insulating it and filling the empty spaces with storage can prevent heat loss.
Use Your Home Fireplace
If you have a fireplace, use it to heat your home. There are several different types of fireplaces. Before you start using your fireplace, acquire an in-depth understanding of how it works.
If you have a fireplace enclosed in glass, it makes sense to install a fan, as glass enclosed fireplaces may consume too much gas. If you use a standard wood burning fireplace, weather strip and caulk it to prevent too much outdoor air from entering your house.
A fireplace can start a house fire. Follow these tips to make sure your fireplace is safe.
- Be sure to open the damper or flue before starting a fire to draw smoke out of your house
- Use dry and well-aged firewood as dried wood burns more evenly
- Have a professional check the chimney at least once every year
- Often curious pets and kids get drawn to fire. To prevent accidents, install a safety screen
- Keep the area around your fireplace clear of flammable materials such as newspapers, books drapes and furniture
- Do not leave a fire unattended. Be sure to properly extinguish the fire before going to bed
Is your central heating in Rocklin acting up? South Placer Heating & Air can help. We are committed to helping homeowners get the most out of their heating and cooling systems. To schedule an inspection, call us at (916) 246-2089.