How to Get Healthier Air from Your Heater
Have you noticed slight breathing problems when the heater kicks on? Perhaps you sneeze a bit more frequently or there is just an odd, recirculated smell. You rely on your heater to stay comfortable during the cooler months, and from time to time you might need residential heating repair in El Dorado Hills. In between services though, you’ll want to stay on top of your own heater maintenance.
You can help improve the air quality in your home here are a few tips from our South Placer Heating and Air team.
Change Out the Filter
This is the easiest and most obvious change you can conduct at home. If you have pets or smoke, it is important to change out the filter every month. If you don’t have pets or smoke, you can fall back to once every two or three months. Anything longer though and you’ll start to notice poor air quality.
At the same time, if you do have pets or smoke, consider upgrading your furnace filter. Every filter comes with an air quality rating. A HEPA air filter is a great option to choose from as it is designed specifically for heightened air quality.
Air Purifiers
Your furnace filter will only go so far. There are other allergens present in the home, and you’ll want to help improve the air quality before the air intake vent gets to it. With an air purifier, you can improve the quality of the air before it reaches the furnace. Consider placing the purifier in the air intake vent so only clean air is used and pushed out into the rest of the home.
Service Your Furnace
Make sure to have your entire HVAC system inspected annually. This way you can correct any lingering problems with the furnace that might affect the air quality in your home.
When it comes to home air quality, you’ll want to look for the best residential heating repair in El Dorado Hills. Should you find yourself in need of a new furnace, heater, AC or other HVAC equipment though, you’ll want to give our team at South Placer Heating and Air a call at your earliest convenience.