
Understanding the Importance of Ventilation and How to Improve Indoor Air Quality

In today’s rapidly evolving world, where the boundaries between indoor and outdoor living continue to blur, it’s essential to recognize the paramount role that indoor air quality plays in our overall health and well-being. The air we breathe indoors is not just a backdrop to our daily lives; it directly impacts our physical health, cognitive function, and overall comfort.

This article delves into the critical topic of ventilation and indoor air quality, shedding light on why it matters and how you can take proactive steps to enhance it. Join us on a journey of discovery as we explore the intricacies of the air we breathe within our homes and workplaces and learn how simple, yet effective measures can transform our indoor environments into sanctuaries of well-being.

If you are looking for Roseville Air Conditioning Companies then reach out to South Placer Heating and Air.

Think Indoor Air is Cleaner Than Outdoor Air? Think Again!

People are usually concerned about the quality of outdoor air, which is understandable given that outdoor air pollution can increase one’s risk of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.

Indoor air can actually be dirtier than outdoor air. When indoors, we are consistently exposed not just to pollutants, but also to pathogens, cooking fumes, and chemicals released by furniture.

The Real Cost of Poor Indoor Air Quality

The influenza virus and several other viruses that cause respiratory diseases such as COPD are transmitted through air. It’s not unusual for people with respiratory problems to miss work or school. COPD flare-ups may need immediate medical attention. A respiratory infection can cause concentration problems and you may have trouble staying focused. As a result, your productivity at work or school could take a hit. Cleaner indoor air can help prevent the spread of viruses and other microbes that can cause respiratory problems.

One of the most common causes of indoor air pollution is inadequate/poor ventilation. From blocked or obstructed vents to design mistakes such as improper placement of windows and air passages, several factors can cause ventilation problems.

Acceptable Air Quality

ASHRAE is a U.S. industry body that sets indoor air quality standards. According to ASHRAE the air inside a building is of acceptable quality if the concentration of contaminants in it does not exceed acceptable levels.

How to Improve Indoor Air Quality and Ventilation?

Your HVAC can help improve ventilation and consequently air quality at your home in the following ways.

Prevents Pollutant Build-up

Freely moving air can reduce the likelihood of pollutants building up inside your home. Many HVACs utilize mechanical ventilation methods that remove indoor stale air and replace it with fresh air to reduce indoor air pollution.

Consider utilizing passive or natural ventilation techniques to improve ventilation. Typical examples include opening a window slightly or keeping a door partially open to allow fresh air to flow in naturally.

Humidity and Moisture Control

Mold and other biological contaminants thrive in humid, moist environments. Several HVAC systems come equipped with dehumidifiers that can lower humidity in houses to prevent mold.

When the air is too dry, it can irritate your eyes and nasal passages. You will therefore want to invest in an HVAC system with moisture control technology designed to help the system reduce or increase humidity level.

HVAC Purification Systems

You can add an air purifier to your HVAC. Air purifiers use filters, UV light, and electrostatic force to trap indoor air pollutants. An advanced air purifier can eliminate germs, odors, and even VOCs. You can also consider a humidifier or dehumidifier.

Tips to get the Most out of Your HVAC

Here are some simple ways to improve the efficiency of your HVAC so it removes contaminants in indoor air more effectively.

Check and Replace Air Filters Regularly

How effectively your HVAC removes pollutants in your air primarily depends on whether its filter is working properly. Your HVAC filter is designed to trap contaminants such as dander and dust particles.

Over time, your filter can become clogged with contaminants. A clogged filter fails to serve its purpose and can even do more harm than good. Not only does a clogged filter fail to trap contaminants, but it can also cause airflow problems, forcing your HVAC to work harder and longer to maintain your desired home temperature.

To prevent problems, replace your HVAC filter at regular intervals. It is recommended to replace your HVAC filters every 30-90 days, however, if someone in your home has a seasonal allergy, you will want to change your HVAC filter more frequently.

Consider HEPA Filters

The next time you replace your HVAC filter, consider upgrading to a HEPA filter. HEPA filters can trap around 99.97 percent of airborne particles 0.3 microns or smaller. When choosing a HEPA filter, check its MERV rating. Usually, the higher a filter’s MERV rating, the better its ability to trap contaminants.

Stay on top of HVAC Maintenance

Have a Roseville air conditioning company service your HVAC twice a year-once before the fall and then again in the spring. Regular professional HVAC maintenance can prevent current and potential problems that can affect your HVAC’s ability to eliminate indoor air pollutants and heat/cool your home properly. During a maintenance session, your contractor inspects different HVAC parts to ensure they’re working properly. They lubricate moving parts and repair or replace damaged parts.

South Placer Heating and Air is a trusted HVAC contractor near Roseville. Our technicians are equipped to install, service, and repair different types of HVAC systems. To schedule an HVAC inspection, call (916) 246-2089.