
Preparing Your Air Conditioner for This Summer

With the temperatures rising, you need cooling more than you need heating. This means that you need to make sure that your air conditioning unit is in proper working order. It should run efficiently and safely so that you and your family are comfortable during the hot summer months, and you also save money on your energy bill. To prepare your air conditioner for the summer, there are a few spring maintenance tips that you can follow. You should also have your air conditioning system checked, serviced and repaired, if necessary, by an expert technician from a reliable Rocklin air conditioning repair service.

Spring Maintenance Tips to Prepare Your AC for Summer

Here is a look at 2 important maintenance tips to follow this spring to help in preparing your air conditioning system for the hot summer:

1. Clean or Change Your Air Filter: To save money, improve the indoor air quality and airflow, to extend the lifespan of your AC system, it is important to clean or replace your air filter. You should make sure to check your HVAC air filter every 30 days. It is also in your best interest to set a reminder on the first of every month to check your air filter, and also to write the replacement date on your air filter itself. This will help you keep track of the exact duration since the last time you changed your air filter. You should also clean or change your air filter if you can’t see any light passing through. This will help you save money on energy bills and improve your indoor air quality.

2. Schedule Annual Maintenance: As a homeowner, the most important thing you can probably do to lower energy bills, increase energy efficiency, and extend the life of your AC system is to schedule routine maintenance by a professional Rocklin air conditioning repair service. A top company like South Placer Heating & Air has trained and certified HVAC technicians who can perform an all-systems check of your system. Keep in mind that annual HVAC maintenance is required by some manufacturer warranties, so you should make sure to schedule a maintenance appointment with the best heating and cooling company.

Keep Your AC Summer-Ready with South Placer Heating & Air

When you need to schedule a routine maintenance check of your air conditioner to make sure that it is prepared for the summer, you should call the leading Rocklin air conditioning repair service company – South Placer Heating and Air. We provide prompt, efficient and effective services for your HVAC system. Call us at 916-246-2089 to schedule an appointment with one of our certified technicians.